Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Visiting Kalamazoo

This last Sunday we visited Community OPC in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Everyone was so friendly and interested! Heidi spoke during Sunday School.

Heidi was asked some excellent questions. One of the questions was, "What made you decide to go to Colorado to work with university students?" Heidi replied that she knew what it was like to be a Christian university student in the face of opposition, and what it was like to stand up for her faith. She saw the need for someone to do this kind of work, and she hopes by God's grace to be able to do it.

We had a very nice visit with our friends in Kalamazoo, and we are grateful for your prayers and support! Thank you very much!

(Posted by Bill Carson)

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Last week I went to Sheffield in Ontario.  It's really pretty out there!  The old part of Cambridge reminded me of an Irish city with all the hills and stone houses that came right up to the street.  The new part was more cosmopolitan, if rather confusing to drive about in.  The church was really nice.  Bigger than mine.  The people were really kind and friendly and, often, related to people in my church.

I went up to do my thing, and this happened:

Yup. So much for my wonderful Linux "it just works" computer.  But Mr Jonkman fixed it for me.  He is amazing.

Then I think everything else went well, though microphones freak me out.

They make me feel loud.  I suppose that's the point.  

Thank you Sheffield church!  You are wonderful.  And patient.

Next is Kalamazoo.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Heidi in Rockford Springs

Heidi visited Rockford Springs Community Church on June 2nd. Everybody was so friendly and encouraging! She gave her presentation after the morning service, and she said afterwards that she felt nervous. You would never have guessed to see her. 

We are very grateful for the warm reception from Pastor Dave Vander Meer and the church. Thank you for your prayers and helping Heidi raise her support! (Posted by Bill Carson)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The First Post

So I am doing a blog about getting to Colorado and then being in Colorado to keep everyone updated on what I am doing and such.  So here it is in all its glory...

Right now I am running around like crazy doing fund raising and contemplating beginning to pack. Not actually packing yet- just contemplating.  Do I take all my books or some of my books?  More importantly, how many will fit in my little car?  And should I take my saddle, just on the off-chance someone will have a pony that needs riding?  I am also contemplating getting a Canadian flag for my door when I am in Colorado. When I was in Asia most people there thought I was Canadian, so I figure why not continue the tradition?

Fund raising is going well, I think. I have been to two churches now to talk about going to Colorado. It has been a lot of fun so far. (Hopefully the people listening also find it enjoyable...) The first one I went to was in Rockford Springs. There were the nicest people there. After I talked a man came up and gave me a bunch of money for gas for when I drive out to Colorado! I wish I had his name so I could send him a thank you note. I was so very surprised that I am worried I did not thank him properly. I also got to see Yanji Mom, which was wonderful!

This Sunday I went to Lansing. Normally I have this problem of being a little on the invisible side of things and being too quiet. Not this Sunday. I had managed to inhale half my weight in mold earlier in the week, and so I spent half that Sunday morning in Lansing coughing. I am pretty sure everyone in the church knew exactly where I was at all times. They were very patient and kind people. I also got to talk horses with a young girl there which was enjoyable also.

I am off to one of the Canadian OP's this Sunday, which will be good. It has actually been really fun going around and seeing the different churches and meeting people. I hear about them from my Dad, but have never actually met many of them before. Although all this traveling does make me realize how much I will miss Michigan. And my family and friends and bird and the farm and my students...  But I am excited to be going to Boulder.